December 4, 1983 ~ December 9, 2004
My dear Theophilus, this is a very sad day for my family. Last night we found out that our daughter Cara was killed in an auto accident in San Antonio. I would like to wax poetic, or say something really profound in this note, but it is not in me today. Both Susan and I are in a state of shock.
I am grateful to our Lord Jesus though, for one gift he gave us this week.
Any of you all that have children know that there are times when you become angry with them. Sometimes heated words are exchanged. This is especially true when that child is a teen or young adult. It is made all the more intense when it concerns the subject of money.
Cara was living with her sister near San Antonio. Her plans were to move to Stephenville, Texas today. She was cutting the cord and planning on being a real live, independent adult. Subsequently the subject of money was coming up more and more in our conversations. Several times in the last couple of weeks, the subject of money fueled some fairly intense debate, such as:
'Let me have some money' 'No' 'Let me have some money' 'No' 'Let me have some money' 'No' I will leave it to you to figure out who said what in our conversations.
Feelings were stressed and our worry level was rather high, but this past week the Lord seemed to be in a healing mood. Cara was feeling a bit hopeless because she had gotten herself into a mess that would cost about $500 to fix. I had told her that I was not going to bail her out of this one and she would have to live with it. She said some things that do not bare repeating. I responded in kind.
Just call me Mr. Softy because on her birthday, Dec.4th, I gave her the money. That day when I was sure she had gotten the money, I was about to call her and give her a great lecture when the Holy Spirit took a hold of me. He whispered in my ear, It is her birthday, forget it.' She had just found out about the money when she picked up the phone, and she was delighted. I did not want to bum her out, so all I said was,'Happy Birthday Honey, be good and enjoy yourself.' That was it. This time I did not lecture her, or admonish her in any way. The next day I called her and told her I would help her move. This again delighted her and our conversation was very pleasant.
I said this was a great gift of the Spirit, because she and her mother were in similar circumstances. The morning she died, Cara called her mother and apologized for having course words with her in their last several conversations. They talked and made amends.
I have heard of people riddled with guilt because their last conversation with their loved one was a fight or something like that. I am so grateful to our Lord for mending those fences before she was killed.
As they say, 'GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME.'
I am told by many of my clergy friends that the most requested scripture at funerals is the 23rd Psalm from the King James Version. Aside from its great value as scripture, I personally feel it is one of the greatest English poems ever written. So with that in mind, I offer it as a prayer for Cara Rae Overton, 21 years and 4 days old. She died sometime between 6:30 and 7: P.M. at the corner of Loop 1604 and Blanco Springs Road in an auto accident. She was on her way to a Spurs game, and as far as we know, reconciled with our Lord and her family, content and happy with a hopeful future. God Bless her.
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou annointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
23rd Psalm King James Version
!!!!Amen and Amen!!!!
i would like to send my condolences to the family. keep faith and love in your heart. cara will always be with you.
I would also like to wish my condolences to the family of Cara. Cara was a very close friend to me and always will be. She will always have a special place in my heart. If i can help out in any way dont hesitate to contact me.
The memorial Service will be at 2:00pm Tuesday, 12/14/2004 at St. Pauls’ Episcopal Church,1936 Drexel,in Katy. A map to the Church can be found at
To my brother & sister in Christ Roger & Susan and their family: While at this time no words can express the sorrow you are feeling:I take this time to remember Cara’s great devoition to Christ and her family at St Paul’s. As tears of mine fall – I take joy in knowing that she is in the loving arms of our Savior Jesus Christ – may he reign for ever in our hearts, mind and soul. Take solice in that my friends – for one day we too shall join Cara in that the most wonderful place. Let God’s light shine upon you now and may the loving arms of Christ surround you. Love Joe Shearer
Cara was a close friend to me! She was my Delta Zeta big Sis! Cara was a wonderful person and I will always remember her! Thank you Cara for being such a great friend! Everyone will miss you!
May God comfort and bless your family as you deal with loss of dear Cara. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Cara is the love of my life, me and her had our problems but worked them out each time.There was so many times I could have told her what a wonderful role she played in my life, but I never did and will never have that chance to.But I loved her and I would have given anything to be with her.I talked to Cara at 6:39 pm on the night she died, it was a short converstation but one that will live with me for the rest of my days. She told me she was tired and headed to a friends then maybe to a spurs game.I told her i would see her on saturday, when she moved back to Stephenville, I was going to take her to lunch for her birthday.We said our good byes and she told me she loved me and she would call me later.That will be a phone call I will be waiting forever to recieve. Cara I loved you and will miss you, you were the one for me and me for you, and im sorry it took me this to tell you.I love you and will see you again in our past lives.
Cara “Bara” the nickname we called you My student worker, my adopted daughter, and my friend too. When I heard the news my heart broke as my eyes filled with tears I began to reflect over the past years. We shared so much – happy times and sad To have had you in my life made me really glad. Such a sweet person inside and out You were finding your way – there is no doubt. We don’t always understand why things happen as they do But God has His plan and heaven got a jewel when they got you. Memories we’ll cherish and always hold dear And in our hearts you’ll always be near. God Bless your family and comfort them with His love And may this cause others to turn to Him above.
I first met Cara our freshman year at Tarleton. I met her through her boyfriend at the time Gary, which I went to high school with. Our sophmore year was when we got really close. We would make dinner and brownies alot, because in Stephenville there is not much else to do. She was a real great friend and I enjoyed all of the memories that we were albe to make even the kind of crazy ones, with many hours in the ER because of her migraines. We had talked probably a little less than a month before the accident, and we both mentioned going back to Stephenville. I was very excited because I hadn’t seen her since the beginning of this summer. We both just turned 21 her birthday a day after mine and we could actually go to the bar and have fun now. With all of this mentioned I lost on of my good friends, but I know in my heart she is in a better place now and so happy! I can just see her bright blue eyes and a grin from ear to ear. My love and remorse goes out to all of her family!
Cara Bara! God do I miss you. We had so many great times, and awesome memories that will stay with me forever. I didn’t belive it when Gary told me what had happened. It wasn’t true.. It couldnt have been. I had just talked to you. Literally.. I talked to her right after Gary did which was about 10 minutes before her accident. She said she was on her way and will be there in like 15 minutes, and I said, Ok Bara, be careful, I love you and will see you in a few minutes ok? OK! she said. We were going to go to the Spurs game, if she felt up to it. She was feeling a little tired, so the decision wasn’t confirmed yet. Regardless, She was on her way to my house, and we were going to yet again, create a awesome memory of just Cara and I. I can’t count the numerous times we had the windows rolled down and REHAB IS FOR QUIITERS-Sittin at a Bar was blaring on Cara’s crappy stereo, It was awsome though, looking over at each other, the sun shining, wind in our hair, and singing so loud we were blue in the face! God we are both such horrible singers! And her 21st birthday, oh man, she had a blast, she was with me, and 6 other people. We went to Joe’s Crab Shack becuase Chili’s was a 45 minute wait. We got to Joes, and although Cara was the only one to proudly show her ID, the rest of us held back. The waitress then said,”The rest of yall are 21 as well right”? Our faces lit up and smiled a big ol’e yes ma’am we are! So with the cute waitress thinking we were all 21, we ordered drink after drink, and my little Cara Bara, asked me to go the the bathroom with her, of course I went, she goes,” Oh man, I have to puke” I of course, held her hair back and laughed at her, well, with her. She looked up at me and said,” Don’t tell the others ok?” I said Cara, Its your 21st birthday, you are more than allowed to throw up all you want! But no one knew anything about her little mishap, So with that being said about how much fun she had on her 21st birthday, I wanted to remind everyone how much of a incredible person Cara Rae was. She had the biggest heart I had ever seen. And she is right up there with me on those Bright Blue eyes. She also never let me forget that Gary was the love of her life. Every day, not a day went by that Gary wasnt mentioned. Gary, she loved you with all of her heart. I will never forget Cara, her memories are with me forever, and we will be friends forever, and I can’t wait to see her again. I love you so much CARA RAE! AKA CaRa BeRa!
We all heard the news on Thursday night and it seems as though a foggy state of denial has come over all of us. There is a group of us, all neighbors in the same apartments up in San Antonio, who have come to be close friends, and Cara had become just like another one of my neighbors to me. I met Cara through Whitney, my across the hall neighbor, but yet it turns out we both are from little old Katy; Cara graduating only 2 years before me. We would always look back and talk of all the Katy Folk and laugh it up! I do believe that Cara will live on in the memories we hold of her in our hearts. I know that I will never be able to walk into Joe’s Crab Shack without remembering Cara digging her face in a bowl of whip cream looking for a cherry that wasn’t there (we all got hours of laughter out of that one), playing checkers now has a different meaning (even without the shot glasses), and how on Thursday nights when the TV channel could not be changed cause the OC was all Cara’s, and even the poker games (which she loved to win, and hey, she wasn’t all that bad either). Cara will be greatly missed by this apartment crew and her vacancy will never be forgotten.
We only knew Cara for a short time, but she touched the lives of everyone in our family. We had some great times out on the boat during the summer and I am glad we got to share in that fun , carefree memory. I haven’t talked to Cara on a regular basis in a while, but I did not forget about her and obviously she did not forget about me. About three weeks ago, I received a letter from Cara. She said she wanted to tell me how much my family, including myself, means to her. The letter was touching, surprising, and so very meaningful to me. I shared it with other people because it was so moving and people just don’t take the time to do those things. A few weeks after that, she called me on my birthday and I told her how much that letter meant. It felt good to tell her that. I will treasure that conversation, her unexpected letter, and the gift thet she was to my family.
Roger and Susan and Family: The grief you are facing is unimaginable. You are all in our prayers. May GOD bring you peace and comfort in knowing that Cara is with him. Deepest sympathy from the Reeh family.
I never had the pleasure of knowing Cara personally but I can say, with great certainty, that she not only changed my life but also created a bond with me on the night of her accident. I was travelling on 1604 in San Antonio when Cara and I encountered each other. I was the other party involved in the accident. And I can honestly say that my life will never be the same. I have gained freedom in life by knowing that Cara was in the fold of Jesus Christ and that she is now home with our Father. I will mourn for my sister in the Lord and I give every condolance to her family. The Lord works in mysterious ways, but His will is always righteous.
Dear Cara, I dont even know where to start…You have had such a huge impact not only on my life but my entire family’s lives. It seems like it was just yesterday we were hugging each other and giggling in our dance recital costumes. I remember us always trying to do crazy things to get any attention that we could possibly get from the other kids. We were so close even then despite us only being in daycare. I will never forget the time you and I went with your mom to visit your sister. On the way there we ate sooo much chocolate that I begged your mom to pull over so I could puke. It was only a few moments later when you began puking do to the site of me. We were both so incredibly grossed out however, we couldn’t help but to laugh about it the whole way there. You will always be the girl that I look back and say, “We’ve had so many memories together and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.” Cara- you mean so much to me and I don’t know what I am going to do without you in my life. But I know you are going to a better place where only people like you deserve to be. You always walked around with a smile on your face that even the unhappiest person couldn’t help but to smile back at. You were always so bubbley and outgoing making friends with everyone. I will never forget our dance recitals, daycare days, girl scout camps, softball games, slumber parties, high school, trips, and church events that we experienced together. Even when we slowly drifted apart I kept a special place for our friendship in my heart. We have a special bond that only the two of us will ever understand. You and I even joined the same sorority at different schools making us sisters. Yet we were truely sisters way before that due to our amazing past. We have grown up together from daycare to college, seen each other through different perspectives, and even if we went months without talking we always managed to end up right back where we were. I am so proud and fortunate to become so close and shared so many memories with a beautiful, intelligent, generous, caring, and faithful person like you. You are defintely one in million and no one will ever be able to replace you. I LOVE YOU and I know you are watching down on us. Please don’t ever forget how much you mean to me and how different my life would be if I never met you. The only thing that will get me through this is knowing that one sweet day we will meet again. I LOVE YOU FOREVER, ASHLEY BAKER
She is now in God’s Hands.
Dear Cara and Family, Words can’t even begin to express the kind of girl Cara was. She’s the most sweetest and caring person to everyone; even to the people she doesn’t know. Her open arms, loving personality, carefree ways, and her everyday smiles are just of few of the ways the begin to describe her. Cara, we first met in elementary when we had slumber parties together and were always by eachother’s side every second. We would go and make our favorite dessert which was bananas dipped in chocolate late at night at your house. We had so many fun times together and you and your mom were just so kind and caring that it was always a comforting feeling to be in your presence. The memories that we have made together will never be forgotten. In high school you were so sweet and grew up to be such a pretty young woman that had the best personality and would always think about everyone before yourself. The kind of person you are Cara, makes every day that passes by just that much easier; the world really needs more people just like you. You are in a better place now somewhere that I one day will hope to meet you again. Just know that this time apart is for only a little while, and when we meet again I hope you are there to greet me with your loving arms. To the family, I have you in my heart and prayers everyday and am thinking about you all the time. I wish the best for you and hope that you will find it in your heart to know that Cara is in a better place now, and is always watching over us.
Cara was a great friend and a great person she helped me when I had no direction. For that I will always be thankful. She will be greatly missed.
Dear Cara, You probably remember as the “little girl” who always wanted to tag along with you and Ashley. The only reason I wanted to tag along was because you were so much fun. I wanted to join in when you and Ashley were playing Barbies or whatever else you two were up to!! Even last summer when I saw you dropping off kids at summer school you remembered me even though I’m older and look alot different. You gave me a big smile and waved. It made think of all the fun times like when I would sit thru the softball games that you and Ashley played, and of course let’s not forget our beach trip with my grandma and mom. I love you even though you and Ashley told me I was adopted when I was about four. I’m looking forward to seeing you in heaven. Until then keep smiling upon us. Love, Katie Baker
Roger & Susan ~ May God’s love embrace you both and be your pillar of strength through this time of grief. Jen, John & Alex
God Bless You Cara! You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. You will be dearly missed!
Cara was a great friend of mine and there is nothing like sharing our first year of college in the dorms together. Ramen noodles for lunch, ravioli for dinner, or anything else we could microwave. We went through good times and bad, the normal of being away from home for the first time. Cara was always there to listen and we told each other everything. Though we were not as close as we were then, I was devastated when Susan called me with what had happened. My first thoughts were I am too young to be facing this and so was Cara. She will always hold a special place in my heart and I think about her everyday and know that someday we will be together again. Susan and Roger and the rest of the family you are in my thoughts and prayers and God bless you all.
Although Cara and I never had the opportunity to become great friends, she was always very sweet to me. Everytime I would see her around campus she would yell to me and then come over and give me a big hug. She was a wonderful girl, and she will be missed. May God keep your family strong through this difficult time. I am very sorry for your loss. Just know, that Cara was and is loved by many.
My name is Ryan Millett. Cara is my baby sister. I was 10 years old when she was born. I don’t remember a lot of details of our childhood, but I remember as a kid preparing the extra bedroom for the arrival of a new family member. I remember looking at books w/ pictures of expecting mothers and young babies with great curiosity. I remember changing Cara’s diapers and bathing her in a tan, plastic bathing tub. As she grew older, I remember teasing her as my older sister Shay had done to me. I also remember looking out for her and protecting her like Shay had done for me. And, I remember doing some simply stupid things like hanging a rocking chair on the outside rail of our loft and placing Cara in it. She was just a few years old but she completely trusted her big brother. When I was 19, I joined the Army. Cara was probably in fourth grade around that time. I was not around when she finished elementary school, junior high, and high school or even when she started college. I don’t remember the Cara most of you know and it makes me very sad. I had an opportunity to spend some time with her when she came to DC on a school trip. We planned to meet at the lobby of the hotel at which her group stayed. I couldn’t find her because I didn’t know what my baby sister looked like as a young woman. Fortunately, she found me. About a month ago, I talked to Cara for a very long time on the telephone. We didn’t really talk very often, so I thought she was calling to ask for money. But she never did. She was sweet. She seemed happy. She seemed like she was finally learning the game of life. I was proud of my baby sister. I am proud of my baby sister. I got a chance to tell her I loved her. On Thursday evening when I found out about the accident, I was shocked. I didn’t know what to say or how to feel. I was overcome with sadness but unable to express it. The following morning, my wonderful wife Evelyn had a strange experience as she ran some errands. It was a rainy morning, and as she drove down the road, she was alarmed at the presence of a lone black bird flying straight towards the car window. At the last moment, it veered away. It wasn’t a particularly scary incident, but it just seemed strange to Evelyn. It instantly reminded her of the hymn “Morning Has Broken”. She later told me of the experience and the first few verses she could remember of the song: “Morning has broken like the first morning; blackbird has spoken like the first bird.” She didn’t site any more lines and didn’t go into great detail of the meaning of the song. However, at that moment, it instantly gave me a sense of calm. It was a moment of clarity. God had done his deed. God had spoken. Cara’s work on this earth is complete. So as I embarked on this journey to help lay my baby sister to rest, I vowed to search for signs of Cara’s work. In a journal for her English class, I found an entry entitled “The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me”. So please let me present to you the work of a very fine young woman: Cara Overton. The best thing that ever happened to me was getting the chance to go to Honduras – twice. Both times were such amazing opportunities. The country is absolutely beautiful. The way all of the run-down houses mix in with the hills and trees, while the sun is setting is amazing. I went with a church youth group. The first time, we helped repair a church. The second time, I worked in a girls orphanage. It is awesome to see how blessed those people are with their spirits when they have nothing. You go there thinking you are going to help others, but really they are helping you. It was a very growing and rewarding experience. It makes you realize how much you take for granted but at the same time, it is done in a good meaningful way. I remember the second time I went, I helped one of the girls do long multiplication. The neat thing about it was, she didn’t know English and I don’t know Spanish. That was probably the most rewarding experience ever, to see her succeed in math with my help when we had a very large language barrier. If I had the chance to go back, I would in a second. At 21 years of age: Cara has come to appreciate the beauty of God’s creation. Cara relished the opportunity to help others. Cara recognized happiness can be achieved without the prestige of material items. But most importantly, Cara has learned that by overcoming barriers, whether it is language, religion, politics, education, emotions, distance, pride, health, etc; together we can be great in work, community, family, religion and all else we seek to do in life. Well, come to find out, The hymn that provided me comfort, “Morning has Broken” is a hymn about creation – a new beginning. So after we lay Cara to rest, let us all begin a new journey. Let us set a new course that embraces the simple principles evident in Cara’s body of work: Appreciate the beauty of God’s creation. Take time to help others, especially those less fortunate then you. Don’t be entranced by the allure of material items. And finally, value and cherish the relationships you have and never let barriers hold you back from making those relationships great. We love you Cara. Thank you for your time here with us. May you rest in peace.
I don’t even know where to begin, Cara was such an amazing friend to me and was someone I could always count on, always trust and most importantly, a friend that I could be myself around. After high school we both went our seperate ways but no matter how long we had gone without talking or how far we were from each other, one phone call brought us back to those days of laughing and confiding in each other. It breaks my heart that I can not say good bye or even have a sense of closure, I don’t think I ever will. I have been out of the country visiting my family and it wasn’t until tonight that I was able to find out what had happened. I do know that through the grace of God, I was able to talk to her one last time. I had changed my cell phone number and sometime at the begining of December I got a call and when I picked it up I heard her voice, a voice that could brighten your day no matter what. That was why Cara was so special to me, she was a source of encouragement, a picture of strength and compassion. Her heart for others was amazing and something I will always cherish. I was able to catch up with her once again and even more importantly, tell her how much I valued her friendship and her amazing love for others, herself and the Lord. She had a wonderful spirit that I know she left a piece of in everyone she knew. Cara, I will miss you and love you so much. You have been a source of love, true friendship and encouragement to me. I will miss you so much and know you are looking down on me and everyone you held so dear.
Just yesterday evening we received the news of Cara’s passing. Although there is great sadness on earth, there must be great joy in heaven for the arrival of one so precious. I met Cara through my daughters during their high school and band years. She always made a point to greet me with a sunny smile, a big hug and a “Hello Mrs Hill how are you.” She was a wonderful, devoted friend and a truly loving person. Our prayers and thoughts are with those she has left behind. Our only comfort is knowing she is being welcomed in heaven with that same loving smile she shared with each of us.
Hi, I am Jennifer Alexander’s sister & live in New Zealand. My children & I were privileged to meet your lovely daughter Cara when we came to Texas for a holiday last July. Jennifer told us of the tragic accident she had. I wanted to write to you to say how sorry we are. I cannot imagine how awful it must be to lose your daughter. She was an amazing person & we all liked her very much. My sister Jennifer regarded Cara so highly & Marama loved her too. All of us were blessed in knowing Cara, though my boys & I only knew her for a short time. We are praying for you & hope that you find peace. Sincerely & sadly, Tricia Adams-Smith
Cara and I met at Tarleton. She was a very sweet and outgoing girl that I trusted and we became good friends as soon as we met. I actually helped hook her and Gary up. They were the cutest couple. I know he cared for her. I no longer go to Tarleton but I visit often. I too spoke to Cara a few weeks before she passed and was looking forward to seeing her back at Tarleton when she returned. I’m sorry I didn’t get to see her, but Cara is in a better place now. I know you are shining down on us.
Just wanted to post a comment saying I havent forgoten about you and i miss you so much.. i think about you every day.. RIP CARA BARA
Over nine years. Miss you. Hope you are looking over Granddaddy and Grandmama. And Grace.
This obituary is pathetic! The way you talk about your daughter and turn everything around on her is horrible of you as a father! You should be ashamed. I haven’t seen or spoken to cara in over 20 years but an old friend sent me a pic of her and I together when we were in 8th grade. I decided to look her up and see how she was doing. I came upon this and it pisses me off to no end!! She was an amazing person and one of my closest friends and reading this is horrible!
I knew that Cara had passed away for sometime but tonight I actually found this. Cara and I were friends from 6th grade to 12th grade. In junior high we both played the clarinet. She lived a street before me with her mom, and i would go over to practice with jer a few days a week. Needless to say I stopped playing the clarinet my 7th grade year. I would still see her thru out the school and she was always so nice and sweet towards me. It hurts to think that she passed away at such a young age. Always think of her when I see a clarinet. Miss you Cara