Maria Elena Gallegos

August 18, 1942 ~ March 20, 2022
Born in:
Acuna, Coahuila, Mexico
Resided in:
San Antonio, Texas
Maria Elena was a very loving, dedicated, and patient mother, grandmother, and devoted wife of over 60 years. She passed on to return to the Lord March 20, 2022 at the age of 79 in San Antonio TX.She was born to Doroteo and Paulina Lozano on August 18, 1942 in Acuna, Coahuila, Mexico. Maria Elena was a devout Catholic, accepting Christ at an early age. She always maintained her family and their needs. She was often considered the backbone of the family, making sure nobody was left out or left behind.
She showed her children and husband to love with no conditions, to be present in all circumstances. She will be missed for her homecooked meals, her love for dressing up no matter what occasion, and her dedication to all those that crossed her path. Maria Elena enjoyed spending time with her family, that she loved dearly. She will be sorely missed by all that had the opportunity of knowing her.
She is preceded in death by both of her parents.Loved ones Maria Elena left behind to cherish her memory are her loving husband Alfredo D. Gallegos, daughters Cristina (Stephanie) and Claudia Gallegos, sons Paul (Maria) and Alfredo (Yvette) Gallegos Jr., Sister Mirina, and brothers Ramiro, Doroteo and Juan Pablo as well as grand-daughters Genesis, Maria Alette, Natasha, Marissa, Dawna and grandsons Joaquin, Cameron, and Ivan.
María Elena fue una madre, abuela y esposa devota muy amorosa, dedicada y paciente durante más de 60 años. Falleció para regresar al Señor el 20 de marzo de 2022 a la edad de 79 años en San Antonio, TX.
Nació de Doroteo y Paulina Lozano el 18 de agosto de 1942 en Acuña, Coahuila, México. María Elena era una católica devota, aceptando a Cristo a una edad temprana. Ella siempre mantuvo a su familia y sus necesidades. A menudo se la consideraba la columna vertebral de la familia, asegurándose de que nadie se quedara fuera o se quedara atrás. Ella mostró a sus hijos y a su esposo que aman sin condiciones, que están presentes en todas las circunstancias. Se la extrañará por sus comidas caseras, su amor por vestirse sin importar la ocasión y su dedicación a todos aquellos que se cruzaron en su camino. María Elena disfrutaba pasar tiempo con su familia, que amaba mucho. Será muy extrañada por todos los que tuvieron la oportunidad de conocerla.
Ella es precedida en la muerte por sus dos padres.
Los seres queridos que María Elena dejó atrás para atesorar su memoria son su amoroso esposo Alfredo D. Gallegos, sus hijas Cristina (Stephanie) y Claudia Gallegos, sus hijos Paul (María) y Alfredo Yvette) Gallegos Jr., hermana Mirina y los hermanos Ramiro, Doroteo y Juan Pablo, así como sus nietas Génesis, María Alette, Natasha, Marissa, Dawna y sus nietos Joaquín, Cameron e Iván.
* If you would like to make donations to the family to send to PO BOX 5332, Uvalde TX 78802. Flower and plants can be sent to 4043 Miho, San Antonio TX 78223 *
Mr.&.Mrs Guillermo &Sonia Sanchez..
My deepest condolences go out to the families. May god bless ya’ll..
En Paz descance 🙏 Sra Gallegos
Rosa Uriegas
Martha Morales Bean
My deepest condolences
Your mom was very sweet and beautiful woman with a big heart ❤️
Compadre Alfredo and all his family,
We know seeing someone for most of their life makes them a part of you. May all her memories bring you joy many times over. God bless all of you.
Compadres Adolfo and Margarita Del Toro
Sorry for your loss dear friend Claudia Gallegos
Stephanie & Luke Holder