February 23, 1963 ~ August 31, 2005
Leaving heavy hearts of all those who loved her, her mother and stepfather – Joyce and Bill Carter, her father, Donnie Knight, her sister LeAuna, her almost sister, Valerie, her cousins Greg, Eddie, & Mark, Sherry, Kelly, & Kerry , all her nieces and nephews- Jake, Gregory, Rachel, Lucas, Audrey, Dani, Jack, and Luke, her aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and we can’t forget her babies and constant companions, Blaze and Cocoa.
May we all find some peace knowing that Aunt Pat and Pigpen were there waiting for her and that they are not alone. Together they will find us when it is our time to join them.
Sabrina was a fun-loving, kind-hearted person who touched many lives. She was a devoted daughter, a loving sister, a true blue friend and most precious to many, Aunt Brina.
“My sister, Sabrina, was a unique and exciting person, you never knew what to expect. She dazzled all with the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. She touched many with her brilliant smile and infectious laughter.”
May all that read this be blessed and may each and all of you remember to:
Stop and Smell the Roses!!
Sabrina will be missed greatly, from our weekly visits on the phone to her giggles and her stories about her dogs. Questions about her pickup and life in general. I’ll miss those cheerful, Monday morning visits and her loving heart. My prayer is that she now finds peace and comfort in the arms of God. Her father, Donnie.
Sabrina, I will never forget the time I lived with you, your Mom, and your Dad. You were a bubbly, beautiful little girl with gorgeous curly blond hair, and yes, an infectious laugh and precious character. You used to wake up early in the morning (before your Mom & Dad) and get your cookies from the cookie jar. I never told!! I wish I had got to be with you more as you grew up. And yes, you turned into a beautiful, beautiful woman. You are surely an angel in heaven now, my darling little niece.
May God be with you. Love Cathy
We really enjoyed seeing Sabrina twice in the past 2 years. She was so very sweet. She’ll be missed by all that knew her.
Although I hadn’t seen Sabrina in many years, I always thought about her. I babysat her a lot in Hobart. She was my little doll. I will miss her. Joyce and LeAuna I love you dearly and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Gina
My aunt Sabrina will be missed by many especially by my aunt joyce my aunt leauna amd my mom. I have had many special memories with my aunt Sabrina. I will especially miss all of the laughter and good times with her. Like singing family tradition on my back porch with her my mom and my aunt joyce. God bless her even though she isn’t here right now i still love her and will never forget all of the good time and stories she has told about me as a baby. At least she is safe in heaven with my grandma her loving husband bill and her faithful companion pigpen. God bless you i miss you and love you Jake
I hate this, Sabrina, missing you too much already, can’t even imagine life without you! All I can pray is that you are at peace, you never suffered, and that you are with Mom, Bill, Pigpen, and Squeaks, having a great big party and a better new life! With your new connections please let God know at there are many you left behind needing a whole lot more help trying to make some sense of all of this. Please pray for us, we need your help! Aunt Joyce, LeAuna, Bill, Uncle Donnie, and all the rest that loved her——————I wish there was something I could do to ease your pain-I want her back too. Love you all! Valerie
You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Alice
Sabrina will always be in my heart. Kind, caring, fun, and not too bad at scrabble. You will be missed by all, but never forgotten.God bless you;as well as Aunt Joyce , Leauna and everyone elso so close.
Your family is in my heart and in my prayers. Love Darla
i am so sorry i can,t be there. She was a delightful young lady who loved life and we know now that she will have no more pain to deal with. we will miss her.love auntie .
I will never forget the time I lived with you, your Mom, and your Dad. You were one of the most beautiful, sweet little girls with your gorgeous blond, curly hair, and mischievious ways. You used to wake up before your Mom & Dad and get cookies from the cookie jar every morning. I never told!! I am so sorry I didn’t get to see you more often as you were growing up, but I can tell you turned into a beautiful, beautiful woman. I want you to know I always kept track of you through your Dad and always had you in my heart. I know you are an angel in heaven now, my sweet darling niece.
Your spirit was infectious. How we’ll miss you so. We’ll miss your upbeat, happy self more than you could know. Please know how much we love you and you’ll always be a part of our daily thoughts and prayers, and our loving hearts. Be sure to listen, Aunt Brina for Rachel’s heavenly voice, singing songs of love and peace, for you to forever enjoy. We love you.
I’m going to miss my daily check-in phone calls-I already do. I’m going to miss our laughfter. Together we could laugh until we needed medical treatment! I’m glad you had the chance to come and visit with me at the lake. To play cards and laugh all weekend was the best. Sabrina was one of my bestest friends. I miss you so much already. Love, Chrissy
My heart goes out to you at this time I know that the sadness of losing a child is beyond any other. I love all of you and wish I could have been there for you. Love Myra
Dear Sabrina, when I was a child I remember going to your house. I remember seeing my mom, your mom, you, Val, and LeAuna playing scrabble. I remember listening to you telling stories and laughing and listening to country music. I remember you and LeAuna telling me about the little boy Mikey that you babysat and how cute he was – I remember how much he made you laugh. Your laugh was really fun – the kind that made everyone happy. The kind that made a child feel happy. I remember waiting on the front porch for your mom and you and LeAuna to come over to Fairview for a barbeque and swim. I remember when you all would show up for Christmas and fill the tree (up to the ceiling) with presents. I remember your wedding in your backyard in St. Ann. I remember you taking Eddie and I to the grocery store up your street to get candy (we would take the shortcut). I remember you taking us to the park. I used to love watching you and Greg laugh. He would say or do something funny intentionally or accidentally and the whole room would laugh out loud hysterically. I loved my childhood. I loved it because you were in it. As we got older, our families surely drifted apart. I remember talking to you about computers and I remember you being excited for me playing the guitar because Bill played guitar also. I liked talking to you because it was easy to talk to you. You were a lot like my mom. She understood people’s feelings and situations quickly (which as I’ve gotten older have learned what a beautiful quality that is). Sabrina, I love you and will always miss you dearly. May God bless you and all of your family members that love you very very much. May your wonderful spirit help continue to guide us through our lives. We love you Sabrina. Love, Mark, Kerry, Audrey, Dani, Jack and Luke
Aunt Joyce, Bill & Launa, I can’t even begin to tell you how much I miss Sabrina and how so sorry I am for your loss. This certainly is not an easy time for you and no words can heal your pain or mend your broken heart. Her laugh will always come to mind when I think of her. I remember one Christmas party when my sister Sandy and my friend Tammy (who absolutely adored Sabrina) were hiding out in our laundry room with a tin of cookies that Aunt Joyce infamously sends every Christmas. Sabrina heard noises and opened the door and there they were busted digging into the cookies. I have pictures. It really is a funny memory. I still can’t believe that she is gone and to me shes not, shes just waiting for all of us to join her one day. We miss you so much Sabrina. Say hello to Dallas!