Abigail "Abby" Martinez

March 27, 2000 ~ April 2, 2023
Born in:
San Antonio, Texas
Resided in:
San Antonio, Texas
Abigail “Abby” Martinez, 23, passed away April 2, 2023. She was born March 27, 2000 in San Antonio, Texas to Nash Martinez Jr. and Dina Dugi Martinez . Abby was a free spirit and artist. She loved art and had natural talent in creating in multiple mediums. Abby is a graduate of Alamo Heights High School and excelled in modern art. She was accepted to all three of the top art schools in the nation. Her mind, while being a beautiful tool of creativity, was tortured like those of many other brilliant artists. Though she struggled for many years with mental and physical ailments, she still found many simple pleasures in life. When she wasn’t working on her art, Abby enjoyed watching anime or Pokémon, tending to animals of all shapes and sizes- be it her dogs, ducks or passing honeybees-, and spending time with her beloved niece and nephew. She could always be found by her mom’s side, likely with her juul in her hand! She shared many personality traits with her father and would often butt heads with him; but as much as they might have disagreed they still came together in the evenings to enjoy watching Law and Order together. Abigail will be dearly missed by her family and all whose lives she touched.
Left to cherish her memory are her parents, Nash Martinez Jr. and Dina Dugi Martinez; sisters, Karissa Rose Martinez, Isabella Storme Martinez; brother-in-law, Gregory Paul Livesay; niece and nephew, Audrey Raine and Beckett Allen. Paternal grandparents Nash and Gloria Martinez and preceded in death by maternal grandparents Daniel and Margaret Dugi. And of course a beautiful extended family and many friends.
Abby loved you so very much! Please know we are here for you!
We love you Abby. I love you.
Everso sorry for the family’s loss.
We love you Dina, Nash, Bella, Karissa, Gloria, and Nash Sr.
I know you are heart sore, but may your happy memories of your time with Abby bring you comfort and peace. I will think of her every time I have Thai food and remember how she ordered it level 5 super spicy. I will think of her when I see intriguing, intricate works of art and remember how I marveled at her talent. Every December, I will smile as I remember how last Christmas she made us howl with laughter as she danced her elf jig. Abby never hesitated to say “I love you!” or “I’m sorry.” And when she said it, I knew she meant it. She also always said, “Thank you!” when I gave her a gift or did the smallest favor for her. She didn’t take those things for granted. I so wish life had given that sweet soul an easier road to travel, but I will be forever grateful that I got to journey part of it with her, though it was far, far too short.
Rest in Peace, Abby.
Love you!
That was her to a T
I am terribly heartbroken💔
Thank you for sharing your memories of Abby! She loved everyone with her whole entire heart!
I know she was so appreciative of you!!!
I remember having sleepovers and watching anime and dressing up with her way back when and she was the absolute sweetest soul. It hurts my heart to see this bc I saw her a few years ago as we had gotten together with another mutual friend and she wasn’t doing too good and I prayed she would overcome. I wish I had reached out a little more.
I hope she’s finally at peace.
She was still the sweetest soul and had been clean and sober for over two months! We don’t know why this happened but we know it wasn’t her intention. She had so many plans, but God had his own for her.
Thank you for your kind words!
So much love!
Please accept my deepest condolences. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you Josh!
We love you
Thank you. How did you know Abby?
Thank you Harry…all prayers accepted!
Thank you
Abby and I were friends in middle school and high school. We were always talking about anime and manga. She was always drawing and creating art. She was so creative and free spirited. She always had a smile on her face. During geometry in high school she would pass me drawings she made during class. She loved her friends and making others smile, even when she was having an off day she would be cracking jokes. She reached out to me a few times wanting to hang out, but I just didn’t have time. I regret not making time now. I hope her heart is resting now. She deserves all the peace. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Your memories are exactly Abby!
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you
Dear My Beautiful Sweet Abby,
I want you to know How much you were loved! I will always hold so many beautiful memories in my heart of you! I will always remember your sweet voice and kind, loving heart! And I will never forget you gorgeous face with countless freckles on it!! Oh, how I love it♥️ you will be forever missed but never forgotten!! RIP Abby!!
Beaver& Dina,
Sending my deepest condolences to you all. If there’s anything you guys may need please let me know. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you!
To your family: I can’t begin to understand the pain you must be going through. My deepest condolences to you all. Praying that God’s healing power will be with you all during this time and in the future. Love to yo all
Thank you so much. Our hearts are broken but her light will always shine on through our wonderful memories! And we have so many from when she was little with you! At your office, you making her peanut festival dress, and so many more!
Thank you. 💕
Thank you for sharing your memories of her. It is so special for us to hear!
To the Abigail Martinez Family, my fervent prayers for the comfort of the Holy Spirit to surround you in this time of profound sorrow. Nash, my heart breaks for you; you of great character, faith, love, sense of humor, I am confident, are one of the best Dads possible. Nash, I recall our studying John Donne’s Holy Sonnets in English class in Room 13 of Floresville High School.
Death be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou are not so,
For thou whom thou think’st thou dost overthrow
Die not, poor death, nor yet can’t thou kill me;
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul’s delivery,
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy, or charms can make us sleep as well,
And better than thy stroke; why swelled thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And death shall be no more, Death thou shall die.
Nash y Familia, pienso en ti y la Familia tuya; Que Dios te de la Fortaleza y la Paz que tu Alma necesita.
Tu professor, C. A. Rust III
Your Abby girl was such a beautiful kind loving girl. So many beautiful memories of birthday parties and slumber partes. Such heartbreaking news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Yes we have wonderful memories. I was looking at so many photos bb these last few weeks of all the time our girls were laughing and playing. Just the way it was supposed to be.
Nothing I can say could possibly express the immense sadness I feel knowing I will never see Abby’s darling little smiles again.The world is a darker place without her glowing soul in it for now. I am grateful and truly blessed to have met such and amazing human with a heart so big I often wondered how it fit in such a delicate little package. Thank you for letting her live life her way, not that she’d have had it any other way 😏 Trust that she knew how much her family loved her, unconditionally. Hurry back Abby, come visit me in Colorado!!!.This world needs more of you and your amazing soul in it!! Until then you are forever in my thoughts thanks for making me a better person for knowing you ♥️🌻🌷🌻-Paul